Wants to Feature You!

Tell Your Story!

Our community has so much to offer and Melanated is here to help shine a light on it!  Melanated features are specifically formulated to create an unique moment that captures the spirit of your brand. This is your opportunity to talk about your team, your purpose, and what you offer.

Check out a couple below!

How to Get Featured

A Melanated feature comes in various forms: a feature, a mention, a spotlight interview, and/or, our ultimate honor, the cover story!

  • A feature is a full dedicated article to you, and/or your brand, and/or your service. A Melanated mention is just a paragraph. Both placements come with one or more backlinks;

  • Backlinks can also be introduced without even mentioning or featuring that specific domain.

These honors can be presented on our website, in the next coming issue or via our soical media pages.

Share Our Movements

Things happen when we share our stories and movements. Let the community know what is happening in your area.

Want to be featured in the next issue?

We’d love to hear from you and tell your story. Showcase your essence to the world. Apply below